
Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Fri Mar 3 15:41:53 GMT 2006

On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 10:29 -0500, Harold wrote:
> I received five 5.10 install disks.  They were defective and would not 
> install on any machine I tried them on.  There was some major library 
> that would not install.  I burned my own CD's from the download mirror 
> and it installed on all the machines fine.

Ahhh, so maybe a possible future shipit system should have 2 options
then ;-)

[x] I want to receive the CD in 2 weeks max, and I pay 1.50 Euro per CD
[x] I want good quality CD's that work, and I pay 0.25 Euros extra per

> I really like the packaging, however.

Yes, so do I ! :o) That's the only reason I order CD's actually.
In 10 years, I would love to have the complete hostory of allll the
Ubuntu packages :o) But I have already a hole in my collection... no
Hoary ! :o(
Maybe I could ask somone local to me in the community, to send me one if
he has some left ? I don't see any other solution...


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