looking for Ubuntu love at Penguin Day Seattle

Jane Silber jane.silber at canonical.com
Wed Mar 1 20:57:06 GMT 2006

Hi everyone -

There is a Penguin Day event in Seattle, USA on 25 March.  The
organisers would very much like to have some Ubuntu love at that event
and have asked me to help spread the word specifically to the Ubuntu
community.  Penguin Days are organised to help staff from non-profits
learn about FOSS; it would be great to have some keen Ubunteros
participate. Doing so will ensure that the staff from the non-profits
gain a solid FOSS understanding and help Ubuntu retain its position as a
favourite in that community. 

The Penguin Day announcement is below. If any of you are in the Seattle
area at that time, please consider participating.  If you would like
more info or would like to be put in touch with the organisers, please
contact me off-list.


      *The Penguin Day Seattle Agenda Announced! *

The Penguins are heading to the Pacific Northwest! Come to Penguin Day
in Seattle on March 25th, right after the Nonprofit Technology
Conference (NTC)!

Saturday, March 25th - 9am to 5pm in downtown Seattle (right next to the

See Penguin Day Seattle Agenda at http://penguinday.org/seattle/agenda/

Register at http://www.penguinday.org

If you are going to the NTC, come to Penguin Day!

Organized by Aspiration <http://aspirationtech.org> and PICnet

Penguin Day Seattle will take place at:

Hotel Ändra
2000 4th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98121

      *What in the world is a Penguin Day? *

Are you passionate or curious about the reality, the potential and the
role of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in nonprofit organizations?
Do you want to learn about latest free and open web publishing tools and
technologies? Would you like to meet other like-minded and passionate
participants, including developers, activists, and nonprofit "techies"?

Penguin Day Seattle brings together non-profit technology staff with
free and open source software (FOSS) developers for a day of learning
and conversation.

We'll demystify open source for nonprofits, frankly address the
challenges of developing open source tools for nonprofits, and celebrate
strengths and successes of open source in the nonprofit sector. Leading
open source innovators, including ONE/Northwest <http://www.onenw.org/>
(Seattle), FreeGeek <http://www.freegeek.org/> (Portland), CivicActions
<http://civicactions.com/>, and CivicSpace
<http://civicspacelabs.org/home//> will share their stories and knowledge.

If you are curious about open source software for your nonprofit
organization, Penguin Days are for you!

Register at http://www.penguinday.org

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