Life without Windows

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at
Wed Jun 28 00:39:28 BST 2006

On 6/27/06, Lee Revell <rlrevell at> wrote:
> "To play music and videos, Ubuntu comes with a number of multimedia
> players. For MP3 files, I like XMMS, which looks like WinAmp. Downloaded
> AVI files won't play properly on the default Movie Player, but
> installing VLC Media Player (using Synaptic) will take care of that."
> This is a VERY common (universal?) complaint.  Does the default movie
> player work for anyone?

I use totem nearly all the time since Dapper (In Breezy, I was using a
mix of gxine and vlc);  I simply had to install the half-dozen
different gstreamer plugins packages found
in universe/multiverse (the good-bad-ugly packages...) to make it
usable. But once it's done, I have to say that I don't see that many
media files that totem cannot deal with it (for my own personal

Daniel Robitaille

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