Status and Ideas related to FLOSS in LatinAmerica

Mauricio Hernandez Z. mhz.chile at
Tue Jun 27 16:01:19 BST 2006

Hi friends,

Last week, on 20th and 21st, we carried out FET Chile 2006 (Feria de
Educacion y Tecnologia Libre), in Santiago, Chile.

FET Chile was focused on showing some alternatives of FLOSS to small
companies, entrepreneurs, teachers, students and a couple of
institutions taking care of 'a11y' issues.

We could afford to invite:
 * 3 people from Colombia (Asdruval and Alfredo Roldan [ParqueSoft] and
Igor Tamara [Gimnasio Fidel Cano and SLEC],
 * 1 from Venezuela (Ricardo Strusberg [ISEIT and Latinux],
 * 1 from Italy (Danile Favara [Dsslive and Xubuntu]),
 * 1 from Germnay (Alexander Schremmer [MoinMoin and Skolelinux])

Also, 2 people from Bolivia managed to join us:
 * Jayson Ryer []
 * Seth Hammock []

During the event, we confirmed some facts, got new ideas, and concluded
some interesting thoughts. We will also work on some kind of FLOSS
Implementation Agenda to work on in order to propose to Chilean
Government and encourage other LAm countries to follow Venezuelan
example (FLOSS is default technology in Venezuelan Gov.)

2 key items to be included in such Agenda are:
 * The need to work on Edubuntu Latino (light desktop + LTSP + spanish
as default language + LAm related artwork)

 * The need to work together towards a training, research and
development LAm instance, like an institute of Free as In Freedom

 * The need to implement ways of recycling technology and providing help
(hardware, software, internet, training, etc) to those geographic areas
difficult to be accessed.

There are more items to be included, for sure. This is just a
summary. :D

Well, that is it. I thought it was pertinent to share this with you all.

Best regards,


Mauricio Hernandez Z.
Director de Tecnologia

Cel: (56+8)749 6071
Of: (56+2)465 3350

mhz at
mhz at

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