ALSA, OSS and the pointless of switching to Pulse [Was: Paris summit]

Lee Revell rlrevell at
Mon Jun 26 16:55:02 BST 2006

On Mon, 2006-06-26 at 13:23 +0100, Paul Sladen wrote:
> Multiple-open OSS to an ALSA backend needs writing---there are no two
> ways about it.  Until everyone recognises that reality, then we are
> going to continue have these head-again-wall-slamming threads.
>   ALSA: Great ultra low-level hardware-interface. 

Attached is the minimal ALSA program to play back audio.  It's 51 lines
of code.  Can someone please explain to me how OSS is so much simpler
that porting to ALSA is out of the question for these ISVs?

I suspect that many of the ALSA bashers have not even looked at it
lately.  Many people still seem to believe that some configuration by
the user is needed for software mixing to work (this has not been the
case since ALSA 1.0.9), or that apps need to be changed to "support

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