ALSA, OSS and the pointless of switching to Pulse [Was: Paris summit]

Jan Claeys lists at
Mon Jun 26 14:46:13 BST 2006

Op ma, 26-06-2006 te 13:23 +0100, schreef Paul Sladen:
> Pulse is still a distraction though.  Pulse (nee Polypaudio) does nothing
> more than provide the same interface that 'esd' did.  (With a far less
> Googlable name, which is unhelpful to users trying to debug their sound
> issues).

It's actually named "PulseAudio", not just "Pulse", which is easier to
search for.  (See: <>)

Also, PulseAudio offers a lot more than ESD; it implements de ESD API as
one of several possible APIs (it also includes its own native API), and
it's always possible to add more APIs through plugins.

Jan Claeys

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