ALSA [Was: Paris summit]

Lee Revell rlrevell at
Sun Jun 25 21:25:22 BST 2006

On Sun, 2006-06-25 at 21:38 +0200, Jan Claeys wrote:
> Op zo, 25-06-2006 te 14:14 -0400, schreef Lee Revell:
> > Do you expect Pulse to be the default sound system in Edgy?
> Polypaudio/PulseAudio was already proposed as the default sound system
> for Hoary IIRC...  ;-)

This thread makes me worried that it will be years before we get decent
audio on the Linux desktop.  Right now it pretty much works - as long as
you stick to free software.  The proprietary guys who refuse to move
beyond OSS are what's holding us back.  If Skype and Macromedia would
just release new version with ALSA support the problem would be solved

How long will it be before Pulse is universally available?  A year?
What if the KDE guys don't go along?  ISVs will have to support multiple
sound servers forever?

All this could be solved overnight if they would only port to ALSA.


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