people who want to leave mail lists

Paul O'Malley ompaul at
Wed Jun 21 09:14:33 BST 2006

Ari Torhamo wrote:
> ke, 2006-06-21 kello 07:40 +0800, Senectus . kirjoitti:
>> Adding a few extra bytes including the word "unsubscribe" to the
>> bottom of each mailing list is a tiny act that could solve an on going
>> issue. (or at least diminish it greatly).
> (Sorry Senectus for you getting this message twice)
> I think you are right, and I wonder why anyone would object such a small
> and simple improvement. Many mailing lists have something like "To
> unsubscribe go to..." on every mail linking to the unsubscription page.
> Not finding their way doesn't mean that people are stupid, they are just
> trying to find their way in a strange environment (even if it was about
> people being stupid, that wouldn't be a good reason not to make things
> easier for them).
> Ari


When you put yourself in the place of a person not familiar with the 
internet or mailing lists for that matter, it may shape up like this.
You are getting 100 mails + a day and can't cope with them reading one 
of them for clues is not really the most intuitive of things perhaps, 
they found themselves there by means of a URL but which one, where was 
it, where is that mail you deleted because you don't archive things, 
there are millions of links which one was it again.
It would be more inclusive to add a few k to the days mail, given that 
it is 27 bytes for a file with the text:
Click here to unsubscribe.
No that is not mime encoded.



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