Syncing Palm Pilots

Harold hrsawyer at
Mon Jun 19 02:33:56 BST 2006

Just a note to say that there is a very good help for this in the 
Knowledge Base.  JPilot works when you follow the directions to a tee.  
I was able to sync and upload e-books to my pilot.

Ubuntu is awesome!

Harold Sawyer

This email has not been scanned for  viruses  . . .  
as I am running Mozilla on Linux, they can do little to me.
If you are using IE on Windows, you might want to at least think about using Mozilla for browsing and Thunderbird for mail.

Harold wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently trying to sync my zire71 using several options.  I 
> would like to use KPilot, but would be happy with anything that would 
> allow me to sync and install files onto my palm.
> I noticed that Dapper seemed to have the sync broken.  Any info on this?
> Harold
> Harold Sawyer
> This email has not been scanned for  viruses  . . .  as I am running 
> Mozilla on Linux, they can do little to me.
> If you are using IE on Windows, you might want to at least think about 
> using Mozilla for browsing and Thunderbird for mail.

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