RBL & greylisting on Ubuntu.com smtp

Lionel Dricot zeploum at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 14:19:11 BST 2006

> False positives: 0% (after the initial training period)
> False negatives: < 1%
> Bogofilter seems to be reliable enough for me...

Me too .... on my primary account only !


Also, there are a lot of drawbacks :

- it takes time
- you must manually select all the spam folder then delete it (no way
to purge the spam)
- when I'm not at home and I use the webmail, I still have the spam displayed

and, worst of all, if I must use the webmail and I forgot to delete
the spam folder :

- all spam from the previous month is displayed in the webmail !!

Spam folder is a virtual one. Only Evo understands it... It makes me
paranoid about manually purging my spam folder each time I know I will
have to use the webmail.

And of course, I also still have the spam on my Nokia 770 ;-)

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