Ubuntu Webmaster !

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Fri Jun 16 19:32:19 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 17:29 +0100, Paul Sladen wrote:
> I might have to add that to my quotes file!  :)
>   Don't quote someone else and put my name on it
>       -Vincent Trouilliez

Whatever you find funny in it, please don't use it. You probably are
reading more (or something different) in this sentence, than I intended
to put in it... due to me not being a native English speaker.

Making fun of someone's English isn't fair at all unless you are sure
the writer is a native English speaker hence masters the language. If
you had to write all your e-mails in French*, chances are that I could
find much of your text funny as well... ;-)

Vince, will only write in French from now

* Or make that Chinese, in case I am unlucky and you speak French
fluently as well ;-)

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