Installing a compiler by default

Alexander Jacob Tsykin stsykin at
Fri Jun 16 07:13:57 BST 2006

On Friday 16 June 2006 03:32, Lee Revell wrote:
> > You don't know how right you are.  The Maginot Line was very effective
> > at what it was intended to do, and was designed as part of a larger
> > overall defense plan.  However, some in the government who didn't know
> > squat about strategy felt that it was sufficient defense in and of
> > itself, and so didn't make sufficient other preparations.  You've
> > inadvertantly created an apt analogy that illustrates why you're wrong.
> >
> > BTW, the Germans didn't attack the Maginot Line; it remained secure
> > until France surrendered.  The Germans also used it, and it complicated
> > the Allies' battle strategy just as it did that of the Germans.
> Yes, I'm aware of all this.  I still think the analogy supports my
> position.
Not at all. The whole defense strategy of Ubuntu is not solely based on not 
having gcc installed by default. This would make it dramatically different


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