Microsofts new way of bashing Linux

Lee Revell rlrevell at
Fri Jun 16 03:40:21 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 09:28 +0800, Michael T. Richter wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-15-06 at 21:10 -0400, Andrew Zajac wrote: 
> > I think people are shortly going to notice that they are paying
> > proprietary software companies to hold back the develpment of the
> > software.  The software can get better in thousands of ways, but no
> > one is allowed to do anything with it, except for the employees of
> > the owner of that software.
> Windows 98 (and likely Windows 95) has far superior sound support to
> any Linux distribution out there.  It's 8 years old (or 11 if my guess
> that 95 is also better than Linux).
> How exactly has software development with the GPL made sound support
> leap forward again? 

For pro audio applications Linux is far superior to Windows and at least
as good as Mac OSX.  It's true that normal desktop stuff is still
somewhat problematic.

It took a while to get to this point, but much of the reason is poor
driver support due to lack of cooperation from hardware vendors.

The open source development model does often lead to slower progress
than the proprietary model, but no one ever claimed that freedom was not

What exactly can you do with audio on Windows that you can't on Linux?


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