Ubuntu mentioned on Slashdot article
Senectus .
senectus at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 11:35:27 BST 2006
> Why would you want to try and influence people against outsourcing in
> any way, shape or form though? What is wrong with getting the poeple who
> will do the job for the lowest price?
On a very basic level I understand that Australian economics will
become more robust if we don't outsource, our home grown skill sets
will improve and expand and this can be nothing but good.
One thing that I do fear is that we're using these countries like
massive factories.
China for instance is breaking itself to produce the worlds goods,
polluting their river ways and air, poising their own people with by
products. All because we want more and we want it cheaper.
What's even scarier is it's on flowing effects where toxic pollutants
spilled into their water ways then flow down river into other
countries. These countries don't have the massive moneys made buy
producing the original items so they suffer financially as well when
they have to clean their water ways up.
> I understand that outsourcing/offshoring is often done badly, but so is
> a lot of work done in more devaloped countries.
Yes, and when home grown companies do it badly, we CAN punish them and
learn from it.
When the outsourced companies do it, we have no jurisdiction over them
at all. Nor do we have any way to minimize the extent of the damage.
I'm not an economist by any stretch of the imagination but it doesn't
take much thinking to see there are a lot of pro's and cons to
I feel the Con's are not worth the Pro's.. You feel the other way,
*shrug* at the end of the day I'll do it my way and you'll do it your
way so good luck to the both of us :-)
Ubuntu Dapper 6.06
The less you know, the more you believe. - Bono
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