ethical ubuntu
Jack Wasey
gmane at
Wed Jun 14 18:19:40 BST 2006
baza wrote:
> I use Linux for a number of reasons, the main one being the software is
> free and in free beer for the most part. Not having any money this
> allows me to do all the IT stuff I need.
> What I don't really understand is why is it unethical to use proprietary
> software?
> Baz
I suggest you read the spec which is about giving information and encouraging
the user to make a decision whatever the answer. I just want people to be aware
and to consider.
My main point is that non-free is not intrinsically unethical, but some people
may prefer to avoid it. How can they avoid it if they are encouraged to install
it without any warning?
There are more pressing reasons why software (free or not) could be unethical. A
very simple example might be an (freeware? open-source?!) virus which posts your
bank details on a web site. This is not all _that_ far from Skype, MS, etc.
divulging your private conversations to whichever government, especially if you
happen to be a pro-democracy campaigner.
That really is non-free.
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