Installing a compiler by default

Rocco Stanzione grasshopper at
Fri Jun 9 15:07:49 BST 2006

On Friday 09 June 2006 08:56, Alexander Jacob Tsykin wrote:
> As a computer user who is experienced, know how to program a bit, and can
> use a compiler, I can safely say that there seems to be little point in
> learning this for the sake of it. It was useful for me, because I like to
> install some extra packages, but I don't think this applies to many people
> (just gut feel). A computer is just a tool, a very useful one, but it's
> important to remember that most people only want to learn as much as they
> need to to get the job done. Being experienced with compiling is not
> inherently positive, it is only so when it is useful.

I disagree with this.  The ability to build software from its source - which 
you have the power to modify - is one of the great things about running 
Linux, which is too often overlooked.  Even if you don't have the skill to 
modify the source, or understand it if you read it, it's empowering to know 
that it's available and to have the tools at your disposal to do what you 
please with it.


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