Installing a compiler by default

Andrew Zajac arzajac at
Fri Jun 9 14:59:14 BST 2006

On 6/9/06, Rocco Stanzione <grasshopper at> wrote:
> OK, my mom had a winmodem.  I got the drivers to her on a USB stick (could
> have been a floppy, a cd, etc.) and found myself with no way to compile
> the
> drivers.
> ...

The question is, what would your mom do by herself?  Would having
build-essential preinstalled make the experience any easier for her?

I'd like to mention veterans here.  Veterans make up a not-insignificant
> percentage of Ubuntu users (this is an educated guess).

We would need to do a census or something.  I think that Ubuntu is being
picked up by more non-linux-veterans by far.  And those people would not be
that much more frustrated by the extra hoop to jump though, provided that
the documentation is there.

It will fail slightly less often if the necessary tools are at the user's
> fingertips.  That's fewer "screw it I'm going back to Windows".

So you are no longer talking about linux veterans here.

I don't know that all of build-essential is being proposed, but I think that
> would increase the usefulness of a compiler enough to warrant
> consideration.
> I also think that (especially if the packages in question are already on
> the
> cd) the cost is small enough to need a compelling reason *not* to do it.

I think what is proposed is everything you need to compile extra modules -
so that would be build-essential and the linux headers.  Right?

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