Forum integration

Jan Claeys lists at
Tue Jun 6 19:16:55 BST 2006

Op di, 06-06-2006 te 13:09 -0400, schreef Shawn McMahon:
> On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 04:38:42PM +0200, Jan Claeys said:
> > An example of this is the new upgrade procedure with 'update-manager',
> > which many experienced Ubuntu users still don't know about; (they think)
> > they don't need an explanation about upgrading because (they think) they
> > know how to do that, and as a result they skip the relevant section in
> > the release notes and the documentation...
> You know, for a server install, a lot of stuff has to come in for
> update-manager to install. 

Of course, and in such cases it's good to know what happens under the
sheets of the GUI, but new and/or inexperienced users shouldn't be
pointed to vim and sources.list to upgrade their desktop...

Jan Claeys

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