ethical ubuntu

Lionel Dricot zeploum at
Mon Jun 5 16:31:53 BST 2006

I'm strongly opposed to that kind of proposition.

IMHO, it's a destructive way. I think that Ubuntu must favor the
positive way and build things instead of destruction.

It's not by opposition that you will win. It's by making what you want
without caring about your enemy.  People will stop using Skype when a
free and better alternative will be available.

Ubuntu is *NOT* anti-propriatary softwares
Ubuntu is *in favour of* free-software.

We have to stop thinking about total destruction of our enemy. We have
to build our own futur...

On 6/5/06, B <baza41 at> wrote:
> On 5 Jun 2006, at 16:01, Jack Wasey wrote:
> > I'd like to invite comments on the new spec:
> >
> >
> > "Ubuntu has a clear policy on using open and free standards. Making
> > installation of Skype and several other applications easy
> > undermines this policy.
> Hmm... So make it hard for a user to choose whatever software they
> want to run? You can't force people to follow the foss religion if
> they don't want to. Most people just want a Linux that works.
> Baz
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