Ubuntu in the Belgian press

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Sun Jun 4 21:49:12 BST 2006

Thanks to the work of everyone at ubuntu-be.org, and especially Mark
"looksaus" Vandenborre, we got at least one major press coverage about
Ubuntu in "Het Nieuwsblad" and its sister publications "Het Volk" and
"De Gentenaar".  On-line version of the article (in Dutch) is here:

(The paper editions of "Het Nieuwsblad", "Het Volk" & "De Gentenaar"
have more than 1 million readers in a market of about 6 million
Dutch-speaking Belgians.)

Part of our press release was about our map of Ubuntu contact points at:
(Only in Dutch & French, but you might get the _picture_)
This might be an idea for other loco-teams...  :-)

Jan Claeys

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