An Ubuntu-based "Democrakey"?

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Sun Jun 4 01:12:50 BST 2006

In the Great Book it has Been Written that on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 22:15:27
+0800 "Michael T. Richter" <ttmrichter at> didst appear within
my Magick Viewing Screen and, being somewhat pleasantly supplicatory,
did polemicize thusly:

> 7. It should fit into a 256MB USB key (albeit a tad cramped).
>      8. It must fit comfortably into a 512MB USB key (while leaving
>         plenty of space for user files).

Gigabyte keys aren't that expensive and could give you lots of user

Cybe R. Wizard
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