
Alexander Jacob Tsykin stsykin at
Sat Jun 3 14:44:44 BST 2006

On Saturday 03 June 2006 20:52, Anders Karlsson wrote:
> Or people can just add Marillat's repository that has all that stuff
> built already. Marillat builds for Debian though, so it may or may not
> slot in to Ubuntu without problem.
> It is quite telling really that despite Ubuntu's target audience -
> no-one has decided that picking up Marillat's packages and making a
> repository specific to Ubuntu is a good idea. I take that to mean that
> libdvdcss / Xine with deCSS, is fairly low on the priority list in the
> grand scheme of things.
Or else its illegal.
> If people campaign for the 'no cost' solution to be included
> (libdvdcss), it will fuel the picture the content producers are painting
> of Linux users as thiefs and criminals. If people weigh in behind
> Fluendo's effort that is legal but will cost money, it takes the wind
> out of the sails of the content producers.
I don't know anybody who says that Linux people as a whole are thieves, nor 
have I heard of such a person. Even Microsoft doesn't say that, and Microsoft 
certainly pulls its own weight in the area of FUD propagation. Furthermore, 
this non-free solution will not be open source, so there will be no way for 
the Ubuntu developers to support it.
> Or there is the smartest solution of all, don't but content that has CSS
> or any other form of DRM. Once enough people do this, the incentive to
> use DRM disappears and there will be no need to include libdvdcss or
> other legally dubious solutions to access content.
And in the meantime all of these products are unavailable to us. This is not a 
solution, it takes years for this sort of thing to have a noticeable affect, 
even if a critical mass of people were to start doing this, which they won't. 
Its a nice idea, bu what we need is a practical solution.
> Not watching DVD's on my Linux desktop is a small price to pay to get
> rid of DRM once and for all.

For me its a large price I won't pay. I want to watch DVDs which my parents 
don't like, so the DVD player and TV are out of the question. That only 
leaves my computer. If I don't watch DVDs on Linux, then my only options are 
to download movies illegally, stealing from the people who made them, 
something I won't do, or to not watch movies. Neither of these is a 
satisfactory solution.


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