
Shawn McMahon smcmahon at
Sat Jun 3 14:35:12 BST 2006

On Sat, 2006-06-03 at 11:52 +0100, Anders Karlsson wrote:
> Or there is the smartest solution of all, don't but content that has CSS
> or any other form of DRM. Once enough people do this, the incentive to
> use DRM disappears and there will be no need to include libdvdcss or
> other legally dubious solutions to access content.

The inherent assumption there, that "enough people" will do this, is
unsupported and, in my opinion, unsupportable.  If anything, I think the
public has pretty well proven that they'll buy any DRM that doesn't
cross a line that's well up into the customer's face.

> Not watching DVD's on my Linux desktop is a small price to pay to get
> rid of DRM once and for all.

I would agree with that, but it's not the case.  You're paying the price
without getting the benefit you desire.  This does not mean you'll
necessarily change your choice nor that I think you should; but thinking
you're contributing to change is wishful at best.

Meanwhile, people who might become Ubuntu users still want to watch
DVDs.  We as a community need to be on the same page as to how we
accommodate them.  Frankly, I think this issue is key, because the
answers to the questions it raises work into a lot of other components a
lot of people desire.  It ought to be Ubuntu bug #2, and fixing it is a
dependency for fixing #1 unless something far outside our control

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