How ironic....
Alexander Jacob Tsykin
stsykin at
Fri Jun 2 04:54:15 BST 2006
On Friday 02 June 2006 10:54, Michael T. Richter wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-01-06 at 19:53 -0400, Lee Revell wrote:
> > > > I would agree that this is brutal by Linux standards since userspace
> > > > apps cannot take down the whole system like on Windows.
> > >
> > > Lee? Would you kindly stop the Linux-FUD?
> >
> > Sorry, I did not think this would be a controversial statement on a
> > Linux list.
> Lies and FUD are (or at least should be) controversial no matter what
> the forum. In your case I'm going to assume FUD based on a mix of
> ignorance and religion rather than outright deceit.
Michael, people on the Ubuntu mailing lists are required to tailor their posts
according to the code of conduct. Please do not attack people. Please just
answer posts politely. Please learn that not every bad thing somebody says
about Windows is FUD, which seems to be what you think. Are there things
which Windows does better than Linux? Unquestionably. Equally, Linux, and
particularly Ubuntu, does many things much better than Windows.
However, whether or not you agree with the previous statement, please tone
down your attacks on people, because it is exactly these sorts of impolite,
personal attacks which scare people away from Linux.
By the way, please do not interpret this as an attack on you, just something
of a wish for you to comply with, maybe ;). I realise that we have talked
about this before, but I really hope that this time you will do it.
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