How ironic....

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Thu Jun 1 11:19:58 BST 2006

I just turned on my computer, started Epiphany, noticed that as expected
Dapper was officially announced. Then I start Evolution, I start
browsing through the all mails on -users, using the delete key to
quickly tidy things ups and....and... oh, what's that, what happened,
where is Evolution !?? :-O The thing suddenly disappeared from my
screen, crashed, no warning, no nothing !

In 20 months of using Ubuntu/Evolution, it has never crashed/disappeared
in this brutal way, and now that Dapper, supposedly super stable and
polished, has just been released, hence too late to do anything, it
crashes like alpha software :-/

Oh well, never mind, Edgy is not too far away ! :o)

Vince, shocked...

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