Ubuntu NewUserNetwork presents The Classroom

Rich Johnson nixternal at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 06:08:10 BST 2006

On Friday 14 July 2006 00:01, Corey Burger wrote:
> Is there some reason why we are using an external mailing list? We can
> get an ubuntu one setup.
> General note: Please don't assume you cannot get "official" ubuntu
> resources. Merely ask!"
> Corey

Your guess is as good as mine. This was setup prior to all of the action I 
believe. If person who set it up had the same issues I did trying to get 
an "Official" list, then I see why. However, I can't answer this, but I will 
pinpoint someone who can. Thanks Corey!!!
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
"The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid."
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