5 Unique tips for Ubuntu users

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Jul 5 16:33:37 BST 2006

Daniel Carrera wrote:

> On Sat, 2006-01-07 at 10:46 -0500, Corey Burger wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Seems someone is trolling because we are popular:
> Hmm... indeed... it's a very obvious attempt at dissing Ubuntu. I very
> rarely use the term FUD, but I will this time: This article is FUD.

I disagree.  Somewhat biased, perhaps, but not FUD.

> My friends just love Synaptic.

I don't :-)

> Item 4 is funny when you consider that this document is for first time
> users. How many first time users complain that Ubuntu doesn't come with
> a complete build environment by default?

Yeah.  It's funny, though, hardly FUD.
> Item 6 complains that Ubuntu's default kernel is for 386 instead of 686.
> Uhmm... I think most distributions do this as well. 

Probably not.  Istr, the last time I installed Debian it either asked or
automatically installed the appropriate kernel.  I'm guessing that Ubuntu
doesn't do that purely because it would require another 60MB on the install

> Oh, and he recommends Slackware for first time users! This is actually
> funny!

So the conclusion has to be that it's all a not-bad joke, rather than
FUD :-)

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