Good stuff from Fedora

Shawn McMahon smcmahon at
Thu Jan 5 19:21:34 GMT 2006

On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 12:47:30PM +0100, Jorge Bernal said:
> Dashing through the builds
> In a one cup holder desk
> O're the build errors we go
> Swearing all the way!

This reminds me of course of the old "cd-rom/cup-holder" saw.  Which
reminds me that in Cheap Guys in Sanford Florida this weekend, I saw an
actual combination retractable cup-holder and cigarette lighter that
fits in a 5.25" bay.

They should put "Linux-compatible" and "Made for Windows XP" logos on
the box.  Maybe Mark can get to them first and we can get an Ubuntu logo

   Shawn McMahon    | Ubuntu: an ancient African word meaning "I am sick
   EIV Consulting   | of compiling Gentoo". |                       - Jeff Waugh (paraphrased)
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