South African Space Cadet in the news... ;-)

Kevin Cole kjcole at
Tue Jan 3 18:30:48 GMT 2006

Well, not exactly.   I got up this morning, put on my Ubuntu T-shirt
(and the rest of my garb) and grabbed a newspaper on the way to work.
And coincidence struck. The front page of today's Washington Post

"ASTRO-NOTS: FAA proposes first rules to govern space tourism | Page 30"

The article "Space Constraints," which is about FAA's (United States
Federal Aviation Administration's) plans to regulate "space tourism",
actually makes no mention of other countries' space industry.  In
spite of that, it features a photo of the beloved SABDFL himself. ;-)

The story, with photo, can be viewed (on page 30) at:

(36 pages, 8.5 MB)

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