Why Ubuntu isn't for New Linux Users

Randy Gloden sounder at microbabble.com
Sat Feb 25 22:42:16 GMT 2006

This blog entry makes good points, but it is the same sad song.  We have 
covered most of these issues in this very list in the last few weeks.  
No one . . .  make that most aren't denying the issues raised, but this 
blog doesn't really help as it doesn't detail any solutions.  
Eventually, I believe, something similar to  Easy Ubuntu or Automatix 
will be linked somehow with the distribution and give a easy way to 
resolve these annoyances.  Technically it seems it would be easy enough 
to do.  The politics/religion of our community would be the more 
difficult obstacles to overcome.


Daniel Robitaille wrote:

>a blog entry about Ubuntu:
>Daniel Robitaille

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