Ubuntu 2006 Spring Collection
Tim Frost
timfrost at xtra.co.nz
Sat Feb 25 07:48:57 GMT 2006
On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 10:02 +0000, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> I was thinking about the numbering debate this morning and thought: why
> not call it the spring and fall collections? (obviously a reference to
> the fashion world)
> I tested this on a local non-technical person, and she seemed to agree.
> She said she would be much more likely to try a CD called '2006 spring
> collection' than 6.04, 6.1 or 2006.1. 'Most people prefer words' she said.
While I understand the need for words, please remember that season-based
words depend on (at least):
* hemisphere ( NH spring = SH autumn)
* culture/nationality (US use 'fall', most other English-speaking
countries use 'autumn', and countries where English is NOT their
primary language do not use either)
* tropics vs non-tropics - most tropical countries are concerned by
whether the monsoon/hurricane/storm/.... season has arrived, and
have no concept of spring/summer/autumn/winter
> I guess it could still be abbreviated 2006-SC and 2006-FC.
> - Henriik
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