Ubuntu 2006 Spring Collection

grethe at bek.no grethe at bek.no
Fri Feb 24 12:46:09 GMT 2006

>> I was thinking about the numbering debate this morning and thought: why
>> not call it the spring and fall collections? (obviously a reference to
>> the fashion world)
>> I tested this on a local non-technical person, and she seemed to agree.
>> She said she would be much more likely to try a CD called '2006 spring
>> collection' than 6.04, 6.1 or 2006.1. 'Most people prefer words' she
>> said.
> Yes let us include more people!
>> I guess it could still be abbreviated 2006-SC and 2006-FC.
> To make all remember - taking care of the humanistic public with the full
> "Ubuntu Spring 2006" or "Ubuntu Fall collection 2006" and mathematic
> skilled using abbreviations with the version numbers - "Ubuntu 6.04" or
> Ubuntu 2006.04"

I have to admit that I am not a mathematic skilled user. I am not hip and
square, but rather unhip and round, mostly interrested in colors and
graphical design ;-)

So. I am into humanities, and still, I do understand how the distinctions
are made. To understand that 5 is for year 2005, and 10 is for october,
number ten of the month (after the empererors Julius and Augustus messed
it all up:-) well- that was not so difficult.

My main message here is: Do not understimate the humanistic public.

I had to find out what "Hoary Hedgehog", "Breezy", or "Warty" means and,
maybe more important, figure out why it's named so.

But since I am into the humanities, figuring out why the things are named
as they are, is sort of my profession. So that was fun.

So let's be frank. These matters are not what makes it difficult to have
non technical users want Ubuntu or any other linux-distros.

To me the challenge is to get all the gadgets work with my computer
(printer, scanner, camera, wireless card, etc). The other challenge is to
understand if i really need all the "updates" that are provided to me
-"perl library" this and "perl libary" that.

And the next. Figure out how this rosetta-stuff works so that I can manage
to take part in the translation of Dapper in my oh so scarsely provided
spare time ;-)

Grethe M.
Bergen, Norway

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