Windows FOSS on the Live CD -- the OOo2 question

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Wed Feb 22 15:21:59 GMT 2006

On Wednesday 22 February 2006 09:48, Pete Ryland wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 03:25:16PM +0200, Phillip Pare wrote:
> > Why does one have to stick to a live CD and not go for a live DVD? The
> > cost of DVD media has indeed come down considerably and then you have
> > 4.7 GB to play with or 9.4 GB if the install disk is also a DVD. With
> > some of the extra space you could even include much more stuff from the
> > repositories and so make life easier for people in countries where
> > bandwidth is still very expensive.
> It probably so happens that the people with limited bandwidth have a high
> correlation with the people without DVD capability.
> Pete

I don't have a DVD burner, and I also am on Dial UP :(  However I do have a 
DVD player on my main computer but on my testing computer I do not have a DVD 

Don't know if that helps, but I have used the Windows FOSS on the Live CD, 
installed OpenOffice and Firefox from it if I recall correctly


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