Windows FOSS on the Live CD -- the OOo2 question

john levin john at
Wed Feb 22 13:38:51 GMT 2006

Phillip Pare wrote:
> Why does one have to stick to a live CD and not go for a live DVD? The 
> cost of DVD media has indeed come down considerably and then you have 
> 4.7 GB to play with or 9.4 GB if the install disk is also a DVD. With 
> some of the extra space you could even include much more stuff from the 
> repositories and so make life easier for people in countries where 
> bandwidth is still very expensive.

Not everyone (or every computer, bearing in mind the vast number of 
older boxes out there) has a dvd player, let alone burner. And the 
bandwidth required for downloading a DVD is considerably more than that 
for a cd.

There are Ubuntu and Kubuntu DVD images at, so those 
suitably equipped have this option.



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