Ubuntu 2006 Spring Collection

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 21 10:57:03 GMT 2006

Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> But anyway, the underlying message seemed to be: 'use words'. Can we 
> think of some simple words that mean first and second edition for a 
> given year?
I guess that the irony of this is that the codenames are considered 
simpler and in many ways /less/ geeky than the numbering scheme, despite 
using funky animal names.

First of all, people don't really like numbers, it seems. They 
especially don't like numbering schemes that need to be explained to 
them, whose progression doesn't have any seemingly obvious structure, 
with a jump from 5.10 to 6.04.

Apple have done it the other way around with OSX. Their semi-techy 
version name is a simple progression of numbers 10.1, 10.2, ... which is 
already much simpler than our scheme, and then they have names of big 
cats to be used as marketing terms that are even simpler and more sexy. 
Tiger, Panther, etc.

- Henrik

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