Sounder List Functionality

Rohan Dhruva rohandhruva at
Sat Feb 18 16:14:27 GMT 2006

I second the motion !!!

On 2/18/06, Randy Gloden <sounder at> wrote:
> I noticed the list sends out it's messages with the "From" address of
> the person who submitted the message instead of sending it out from
> sounder at  Problem with this is that often people are
> hitting reply and sending the message back directly to the poster,
> instead of the list.
> I have gotten several off-list messages and Mark S. made mention of this
> a few days back as well.  The other lists I'm subscribed to send out
> mail from the list address and is much more convenient.
> So . . . can we re-configure the list to send out messages with the
> "reply-to"  or "from" fields set to "sounder at
> I can think of several reasons while it may be set up this way, (perhaps
> some subscribers filter out addresses of those they don't feel are
> worthy to be heard), but none I think warrant this configuration.
> It is not going to ruin my day if it isn't fixed, but it would be nice.
> -----------Randy
> --
> sounder mailing list
> sounder at

Rohan Dhruva
Proud GNU/Linux user.
Windows: "Where do you want to go today?"
Linux: "Where do you want to go tomorrow?"
FreeBSD: "Are you guys coming or what?"
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