"Ubuntu takes on XP in the gadget arena"
Randy Gloden
sounder at microbabble.com
Fri Feb 17 23:08:48 GMT 2006
Since this topic is getting tired, I have a theoretical question for you
If Vista comes out and is solid, I mean absolutely solid, even to the
point that it isolates flakey hardware / memory (remember, I said
hypothetical), is that enough to convert you to the dark side? How
about the security problems, if magically they are all gone with Vista,
does it really matter?
Or if Dapper turns out to be less than stable, or the next version of
"name of you favorite open source software here" reveals a devastating
security hole, what would it take to get you to turn?
Of course, you may even run into some Linux machines in a public area
where a memory leak in Xorg has brought the machines to a halt,
constantly thrashing the HDs and is non-responsive (I've seen this in a
clean Breezy install). Does your confidence wean?.
If stability is your horse. Ride it. I can't, nor do I want to. I'm
not that cheap. Many in my circle of Linux friends won't even give
Vista a spin (nor have they XP), because there are more important issues
for them than the stability/security of the OS. The hole goes much deeper.
Oh crap, I'm changing into a ideologue!!!
What it takes to get you is what it takes to keep you.
Derek Broughton wrote:
>Shot (Piotr Szotkowski) wrote:
>>Derek Broughton:
>>>I beg to differ. I see no sign that _anybody_ is suffering BSODs on XP
>>Isn?t XP cofigured by default to reboot instead of displaying the BSoD?
>>It?s configurable somewhere under My Computer | Properties, I believe.
>I wouldn't know - I haven't seen that happen, either.
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