MEPIS may be going Ubuntu

Randy Gloden sounder at
Sat Feb 11 17:16:30 GMT 2006

I went back and checked to see what Mepis is doing currently, and it 
appears the distro has molded itself around some of the legal issues as 
well.  He still has many tweaks, but a trip to will still 
be required.  I still hope he comes over to Ubuntu.


Randy Gloden wrote:

> Mepis has much to offer.  I also tried this distro before coming over 
> to Ubuntu.  The reason I left is because the update mechanism didn't 
> work for me (It kept yielding a system that would not boot).  The 
> philosophy of trying to ship a system with all the normal tweaks 
> already complete, appeals to many.
> The one thing I really liked about Mepis is that the system is already 
> configured with all the little stuff that Ubuntu and other distros 
> seem to leave out.  This list has discussed in recent days various 
> scripta that are available to automate these processes.  This is a 
> good step in the right direction.
> However, when I hand out a Ubuntu CD for others to install on their 
> own, I will inevitablly hear back that much of the functionality that 
> they take for granted from their Redmondsoft installs is missing.  
> They want to play DVDs, mp3, and expect to surf the net and have most 
> multimedia element function correctly.  (The Dells of the world are 
> shipping WinDVD/PowerDVD like mad)  These people don't want to hear a 
> sermon on the higher principles associated with free software.  
> Foremost, they want things to work correctly with a minimun of effort. 
> Mepis is a step closer to that idea.
> I have a notebook that I keep that details the individual things I had 
> to do to get my system to work correctly with proprietary drivers and 
> such.  Regarless of whether Mepis makes the jump, I hope the length of 
> my notebook entries can be shortened with each release.
> Maybe we in the Ubuntu community can find a mechanism that satifies 
> the legal concerns of those that care, and satisfies the idealistic 
> that insist on preserving certain priciples at the cost of keeping a 
> less than fully functional distro .
> Perhaps Mepis serves that niche, gathering from the strength of 
> Ubuntu, yet braving the waters that pose to great a risk to this 
> community.
>        Randy Gloden
>        randy at
> Chanchao wrote:
>> Hello Daniel,
>> Thursday, February 9, 2006, 11:46:58 PM, you wrote:
>> DR>
>> DR> "MEPIS, one of the more popular Debian-derived distributions, may be
>> DR> moving in a new direction soon. MEPIS founder Warren Woodford is
>> DR> considering building future MEPIS releases from Ubuntu sources 
>> rather
>> DR> than from Debian."
>> Err.. What would be the point?  Or to put it differently, what would 
>> he add to Ubuntu that's not
>> already in Ubuntu?
>> Mepis was the final Linux I tried that got deleted a couple of days
>> later. Have been doing that for years, try one or two distributions a
>> year, then ending up dumping them. Ubuntu was the first Linux based OS
>> one that *worked* and was friendly enough to use.
>> Mepis got dumped because sound dind't work, then someone suggested
>> to run some terminal command... BUZZZZZ --sorry.  If the basics of
>> getting it to work require typing commands ('alsaconf' I believe it
>> was) then it's first strike and OUT.
>> (Also it used KDE if I remember correctly, and installed a CPU
>> monitor, the Weather Channel and his mother-in-law in the task bar by
>> default. I don't like that either. :P )
>> Cheers,
>> Chanchao

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