Virtual private servers. Cost effective?
Eric Dunbar
eric.dunbar at
Sun Dec 31 16:18:37 GMT 2006
On 31/12/06, Jeff Waugh <jdub at> wrote:
> <quote who="Eric Dunbar">
> > Have any of the sounder-denizens had experience with VPSes? Are they worth
> > it or should I stick with my own "bricks and mortar" setup which also
> > hosts a network file server?
> I've been extraordinarily pleased with the reliability, support, management
> and general clue of Linode <>. I host my personal domains (me,
> Pia and a few family things) and two businesses on my Linode UML. Though it
> took a bit of work to set things up to run nicely in a somewhat RAM-limited
> environment (though I have 150MB now, thanks to Linode's generous upgrade
> gifts to loyal customers), I've found it quite capable of troublesome loads.
> That said, it's really only worth going with a dedicated machine or VPS if
> you have the time and skill available to properly administer it. Otherwise
> it just ends up being a costly pain in the butt. Less costly if it's a VPS
> though. ;-)
Thanks to everyone who's responded to my queries. My current setup
isn't great but I can host my server for less than what it seems most
VPS hosts charge. The one big advantage they have is that their
out-going bandwidth is much higher than mine at home (80 K/sec) but,
on-the-whole, that's acceptable. I'd like to reduce my overall energy
consumption but that's not possible yet :-(.
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