Article: Linux is NOT windows

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at
Fri Dec 22 19:58:30 GMT 2006

On 20/12/06, Conrad Knauer <atheoi at> wrote:
> On 12/20/06, Pete Ryland <pdr at> wrote:
> > Interesting article:
> >
> > Linux is Not Windows
> Here's a quote that I find to be very true:
> "Windows users who try to use their existing skills and habits
> generally also find themselves having many issues. In fact, Windows
> "Power Users" frequently have more problems with Linux than people
> with little or no computer experience, for this very reason.
> Typically, the most vehement "Linux is not ready for the desktop yet"
> arguments come from ingrained Windows users who reason that if they
> couldn't make the switch, a less-experienced user has no chance. But
> this is the exact opposite of the truth."
> My neighbor, a nice old lady, was able to use Ubuntu with very issues
> and her only prior computer experience was a few months on Windows 98,
> mostly learning how to use a mouse and a web browser :)

An interesting read with some BS (not entirely surprising, but I'm
sure that author would say the same of my opinions ;-). One comment
that is the cause of many a problem (in software design, I'm sure) is
the following:

"And in the same way, a great deal of Linux software is designed
without "training wheels" - it's designed for users who already have
some basic skills in place. After all, nobody's a permanent novice:
Ignorance is short-lived, and knowledge is forever. So the software is
designed with the majority in mind. "

"Nobody's a permanent novice". Although, technically correct it is
practically not true. I regularly work with people who have been using
computers for 15 or 20 years and they are definitely still "novices".
But, anyway, it's an interesting read nonetheless.

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