Most offensive thing I've seen all day

Alexander Jacob Tsykin stsykin at
Sat Aug 5 00:12:55 BST 2006

On Friday 04 August 2006 23:42, Michael T. Richter wrote:
> Now of course I didn't send it to the list.  You did.  Which is at the very
> least a breach of etiquette, if not directly a breach of the CoC as it's
> worded.
a) agreed
b) this discussion is just trolling if you two are going to insult eachother 
(and I am for once siding totally with Michael on this one) so if you are 
going to continue, Melissa, Please take it off list, and apologise to all of 
us for wasting our time. 

Granted Michael's email was inflammatory, but it was private, and you should 
have kept it that way. I did what you did once, and was soundly rebuked, and 
rightly. Maybe you should look through the archives for he reasons as to why, 
or just read the CoC, but that is irrelevant. What is really relevant is that 
you do not attack other list members publically.


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