AMD to optimize for Linux?

Lee Revell rlrevell at
Sat Apr 22 17:33:59 BST 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-22 at 16:22 +0200, Jan Claeys wrote:
> Op vr, 21-04-2006 te 20:33 +0800, schreef Senectus .:
> > According to the job openings, the kernel developer's task will be to
> > optimize the Linux kernel for AMD processors and to help processor
> > designers "better support the requirements of modern operating systems
> > in future processor generations." Knowledge of C and x86_64 assemblers
> > is required. The job description for virtualization was similar: this
> > person's task is to optimize Xen on AMD processors and help improve
> > Xen support in future AMD processors. According to the job description
> > for the tool developer, this person will not only be developing Linux
> > tools for AMD processors, but also helping optimize processors for
> > Linux.
> This _might_ be related to this story about their future K10 processor
> generation: <>
> Also, in the near future they are going to release CPUs that better
> support virtualization, which might be the reason they want a Xen
> developer.

Or maybe they want to avoid a repeat of the AMD X2 unsynced TSC snafu,
where the hardware had a bug (that AMD initially denied) which
completely hosed timekeeping on Linux systems, and required an
inefficient workaround in the kernel.


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