Ubuntu 6.10 in the news

Eric Feliksik milouny at gmx.net
Fri Apr 21 16:22:23 BST 2006

Alexander Jacob Tsykin wrote:
> It would be nice if people would realise that these are only code names, and 
> the real name of the distribution is the number.
> Sasha

This has been said over, and over. We should look at it from another 
angle: We all talk about 'Dapper' the whole time. Not only about the 
development version, but about "the dapper release". People in the 
community almost never say ubuntu 6.06, and those are the people that 
market Ubuntu (remember we don't have tv-commercials). Check the desktop 
background: Dapper Drake Beta. Why not 6.06 Beta? It's naive to expect 
people to understand the difference this way.

Then comes the second point. We know by now that some people like the 
codenames, and some don't. So folks, either stop creating a situation 
where people are constantly confronted with the codename, or stop caring 
about peoples disliking and accept the consequences (complaints, 
insulted efts, frightened managers*). Both are fine options.


* Please don't start a discussion on whether managers will be frightened 
or not. If you really can't resist, please start a new thread.

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