Oracle intersted in buying Ubunutu

Anders Karlsson trudheim at
Wed Apr 19 16:18:04 BST 2006

On Thu, 2006-04-20 at 00:01 +1000, Alexander Jacob Tsykin wrote:

> clearly it is, but one company is not enough. And lets face facts, Mark 
> Shuttleworth is much more interested in promoting Ubuntu than in making a 
> profit from it.

Why is one company not enough? I have not heard anything convincing that
Ubuntu would get so much better with more cooks.

> I'm aware of all this. However, the more commercial backing, the better. 
> Consider that Ubuntu does benefit from both of their contributions, eg. Xgl 
> and Compiz from Novell.

You can throw as much money as you want at something, it doesn't
automagically make it the best thing since sliced bread. Acquiring lots
of financial backers won't automatically get you anything without hard
graft, sometimes it just makes things harder, because of unrealistic and
outlandish expectations.

Let's learn how to walk before trying to run...

> the reason Linus stated is because it would deter commercial investment. Do 
> your research before making a claim. Many commercial companies, like Novell, 
> have claimed that they will not be able to subscribe to it or use software 
> which falls under GPLv3.

I seem to remember someone saying something about GIMP being total
overkill for users and that it should not be installed because of this.
We all make claims others disagree with from time to time.

I should have mentioned that I was referring to discussions on the LKML,
and I was dragging things out of memory from some time ago.

> It is used all the time. It is promoted extensively in the Wiki and the 
> Forums. It is unofficially official, and we are encouraged to use it.

Really? Last time I made a clean install of Dapper and looked at the
default sources.list, multiverse certainly was not included or enabled.
universe was, but was commented out.

> I did not say that. I said that companies should be allowed to participate in 
> and invest in Linux, and should not be presented with gross disincentives to 
> do so.

AFAICT, IBM is participating quite happily and investing rather a large
amount of cash and time in Linux. I can't remember them asking
permission to do so. They did it of their own back after checking the
legal side first.

The only "gross disincentive" to predatory corporations joining the
Linux party is that they have to play fair. They don't have to come to
the party if they don't want to. 

> > By all means flog the web forum to highest bidder, as long as the links
> > to the mailing lists are severed at the same time.
> why?

The mailing lists tend to adhere to netiquette reasonably well. The web
forums - well - don't. 

Anders Karlsson <trudheim at>
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