Firefox 1.0.x sunset announcement and Breezy

Lee Revell rlrevell at
Mon Apr 17 05:14:01 BST 2006

On Sun, 2006-04-16 at 23:51 +0100, john levin wrote:
> Again, yes - I - and I presume many others who use Hoary and Breezy - 
> want to know who is going to take on this Augean task. And also, who
> is going to take on the task when Firefox 1.5 is no longer maintained
> by the Mozilla organization, given that Dapper is going to last 3
> years on the desktop.
> What really concerns me isn't that the 1.0 series has come to an end, 
> but that this problem is going to continually arise for as long as
> there is an Ubuntu and a Firefox.

It does seem kind of insane that FF 1.5 was only released on 11/29/2005
and less than 5 months later they stop providing even *security* updates
for the previous version.  That's not even a full release cycle for even
the most aggressive distros.  No corporate user in their right mind
would deploy something that they can't assume will be maintained for
even 6 months.  An IE->Firefox migration for a large corporation could
easily take a year!

I would not be surprised if they get massive complaints and end up
reconsidering.  This decision will make people think twice about
migrating from IE.


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