Comments about Linux/Ubuntu from a former MS-programmer

Lee Revell rlrevell at
Wed Apr 12 04:18:13 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 09:45 +0700, Chanchao wrote:
> I don't think I understand this whole discussion... If I maximize a
> window, I can still grab the title bar and drag it off to somewhere
> else. It'll return to it's pre-maximized size (which can be as big as it
> was maximized). 
> So I think no matter what a user does, something logical and intuitive
> happens. 
> Only somewhat strange thing is that if you have a maximized window and
> you drag it away, then back without letting go of the mouse button,
> it'll re-maximize by it self.  However if you first let it go somewhere,
> then drag it back then it doesn't auto-maximize (obviously, kind of, but
> it's still different from when you don't let go)

Yes, you can still do that, but you can't grab the edge or corner and
resize a maximized window.

I think it's OK - if you were to allow this, you have to allow grabbing
the edge with the scrollbar, which makes it really easy to accidentally
grab the right edge of the window when you mean to scroll down.

It does seem wrong that if you put the mouse all the way to the right
and try to grab the scrollbar, it won't work - you have to move it it a
little bit.


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