Comments about Linux/Ubuntu from a former MS-programmer

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at
Tue Apr 11 17:04:42 BST 2006

On 11/04/06, Lee Revell <rlrevell at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 01:28 +1000, Alexander Jacob Tsykin wrote:
> > > I'm sitting here changing windows in both Windows & KDE and I can't see
> > > what you're saying.  In KDE, maximizing a window doesn't change it in any
> > > way - except to change the "maximize" button to a "restore" button.  You
> > > can then drag any edge and it changes the button back to "maximize".  In
> > > Windows, the edge control disappears, but otherwise the controls seem the
> > > same. --
> > > derek
> > this problem does nto seem to exist in Gnome either, unless I'm
> > misunderstanding your meaning.
> Hmm, my system (latest Dapper updates) does have this behavior (I'm not
> convinced it's a problem yet - I was always annoyed at MacOS 9's
> inability to maximize windows other than by dragging to full size).

That's what I think Mac OS does _wrong_. You can't "maximise" the
window to the biggest size possible (not full-screen) using the "zoom"

In Windows (and some configurations of GNOME/KDE?) you _can_ maximise
the window the biggest size possible, BUT the mode changes -- instead
of working with a window on your screen, all of a sudden the window
BECOMES the screen. To get back to a window you have to _first_
"restore" it and then change the window size.

This is where Windows has the harder time fixing the problem. The mode
change is a bad idea (changing modes makes computer use less intuitive
and inefficient). Mac OS has a much easier fix. Change the "zoom"
button to zoom to largest window possible (actually, I don't even care
about max size, as long as the window "sticks" to the right side of
the screen so there's no dead space between the scrollbar and the
screen edge or a gap so that you can click through and bring another
window to the forefront)

> Right now I'm composing this in a maximised Evolution window and I can't
> grab the top edge to resize it unless I unmaximize the window.
> Could this be dependent on the theme?  I use "Simple" rather than the
> default.
> Lee
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