Comments about Linux/Ubuntu from a former MS-programmer

Alexander Jacob Tsykin stsykin at
Tue Apr 11 16:28:34 BST 2006

On Wednesday 12 April 2006 01:03, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Eric Dunbar wrote:
> > Seriously though, to me KDE is more of a Windows clone (by default)
> > than GNOME but neither are perfect as they borrow too many of the
> > _bad_ Windows paradigms.
> I agree completely.  I've made KDE as unlike Windows as possible (otoh, I
> have an account for my wife that's even _more_ Windows-like than the
> default), but it _is_ still intended to not scare off Windows users.
> Consequently, you're right, it copies some of the really bad stuff.  otoh,
> getting any two people to agree on which bits are the bad parts, is a
> problem :-)
> > Windows and Linux have a _bad_ window resizing paradigm in that you
> > can zoom a window to maximum screen size (good), but all of a sudden
> > the controls for the window change and disappear. There's no
> > correspondence between before and after.
> I'm sitting here changing windows in both Windows & KDE and I can't see
> what you're saying.  In KDE, maximizing a window doesn't change it in any
> way - except to change the "maximize" button to a "restore" button.  You
> can then drag any edge and it changes the button back to "maximize".  In
> Windows, the edge control disappears, but otherwise the controls seem the
> same. --
> derek
this problem does nto seem to exist in Gnome either, unless I'm 
misunderstanding your meaning.


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