Comments about Linux/Ubuntu from a former MS-programmer

Andrew Zajac arzajac at
Mon Apr 10 15:44:54 BST 2006

"The bad news is that while 50 man-years is small, it is still large for an
organization like Ubuntu which I estimate has the equivalent of 30 full-time
devs. In addition, many of their bugs exist in other codebases manned by


I actually think fixing just the right 1,000 bugs would move it forward *a
huge amount* for me at least, but I still imagine that running Ubuntu on 100
million different desktops around the world would bring out more issues with
a much wider variety of hardware, software, .DOC files, other writing
scripts, etc."

Somebody should tell him that all the software in Ubuntu is not only written
by the 30-or-so Canonical devs but by thousands of different people working
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