gone OT. Was: Re: cross-platform virus
Cybe R. Wizard
cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 9 10:33:33 BST 2006
On Sun, 09 Apr 2006 17:59:11 +1000
Sasha Tsykin <stsykin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> > On Sun, 09 Apr 2006 12:17:13 +1000
> > Sasha Tsykin <stsykin at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> I don't see why we should use sudo. It seems much more secure to
> >> just create an admin or root account, like almost every other
> >> Linux distribution in existence.
> >
> > Want to crack a box? Everyone has a root account, you only need to
> > crack the password. Want to crack an Ubuntu box? First, guess the
> > username, /then/ you can move to cracking the password. An extra
> > security step is involved wherein one doesn't even have something
> > (root) to start with. It's would take a hell of a dictionary
> > attack to get a strange username and password.
> >
> > Cybe R. Wizard
> the difference is not material. Enterprise servers always have root
> accounts, not sudo, and they are teh most secure machines available.
> Nice theory, not really applicable in practice.
> Sasha
Hi, Sasha,
I read sounder. I don't need an extra of your reply made to
my post showing up in my regular inbox when I have sounder filtered to
its own directory. I would appreciate it if you were to alter your
mailer configuration so as to /not/ mail me directly and Cc the list,
but to reply on list like (most) everyone else.
Thank you for your time and efforts in this direction.
Cybe R. Wizard
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